
Connection note

First-time users, please register to create a personal account. After creating your account, you may use it to log into the AudioDigest web platform and the AudioDigest app from any location on any device. You will need to access AudioDigest through the Connect button and log into your AudioDigest account every 3 months to maintain access to AudioDigest.


AudioDigest provides streaming lectures for continuing medical education (CME/CE) for a variety of specialties, presented by experts from leading institutions. Each lecture comes with objectives and accreditation information, pre-test questions and answers, a detailed written summary and list of suggested readings, post-test questions and answers, and an evaluation form. This is the streaming version of the audio CD series Audio-Digest.

To use AudioDigest, you must register for a personal account following the instructions above. As part of the registration process, select the specialty area you would like to study. Once you have registered, you will be able to sign into the AudioDigest website and mobile app, and your progress will be synced across all devices. Rutgers has access to the following specialties from AudioDigest:

  • Anesthesiology
  • General Surgery
  • Internal Medicine
  • Orthopedics
  • Otolaryngology
  • Psychiatry

Rutgers does not have access to any other specialties on this platform.

Dates covered

Current medical information.

Resource types