Dictionnaire de l'Ancienne Langue Française (IXe - Xve Siècle) de Frédéric Godefroy

Dictionnaire de l'Ancienne Langue Française (IXe - Xve Siècle) de Frédéric Godefroy

This is the electronic version of Le Dictionnaire de l'Ancienne Langue Française et de tous ses Dialectes du IX au XV Siècle, published between 1880 and 1902, an essential reference for medieval French language and lexicography. The database interface and the text of the dictionary are in French. The database has several browsing and searching options:

  • Présentation (Introduction)
  • Consultation (allows browsing the entire dictionary alphabetically)
  • Tables des Matières (allows browsing by volume)
  • Recherche Simple (Simple Search)
  • Recherche Avancée (Advanced Search)

If you select a search option, you may enter search terms in the box labeled "Rechercher dans le texte integral." Search terms must be in French.

Dates covered

Dictionary published between 1880 and 1902, covering the French language from the 9th-15th centuries

Champion Electronique