Library Literature & Information Science Retrospective is an index of historic scholarship in library & information science dating from 1905-1983. It includes indexing for journal articles, book reviews, books, book chapters, and theses. The database includes citations, indexing, and abstracts for all of its contents, and it also includes the full text of Wilson Library Bulletin from 1908- 1983.
Subjects covered include automation of library processes, binding and repairing, cataloging, censorship, children's literature, circulation procedures, classification, copyright legislation, education for librarianship, government aid, library associations and conferences, library equipment and supplies, personnel administration, preservation of material, public relations, publishing, salaries, and thesauri.
This database is the electronic version of the print publication Library Literature for the years 1905-1983. For indexing of library literature published from 1980 to the present, please use Library Literature & Information Science Full Text (H.W. Wilson).