American Pharmacists Association Pharmacy Library (APhA Pharmacy Library)
If you would like to create a personal account, please register here. Then access PharmacyLibrary through the Connect to Database link and log in with your personal account.
PharmacyLibrary features the American Pharmacists Association (APhA's) authoritative textbooks, active learning exercises, PharmacotherapyFirst (a disease state management and patient care resource), self-assessments (including a review for the NAPLEX exam), case studies, preceptor resources, and a newsfeed of recent articles from, APhA DrugInfoLine, and Pharmacy Today. APhA's textbooks and review resources span the pharmacy curriculum, and the collection is regularly updated with new editions and new textbooks as they are released.
Some features of PharmacyLibrary require registering for a personal account. Students, to take self-assessments, please register for a personal account. Instructors, to access instructor-only content in PharmacyLibrary, please register for a personal account and then contact to have your instructor status verified and access granted. Instructor-only content in PharmacyLibrary includes PharmacotherapyFirst instructor-only cases and answer keys, active learning exercise instructor views, case study answer keys, and supplemental materials for some textbooks. To register for an account, please follow the instructions in the Connection Note on this page.
Current information.