Popular culture

Album cover of Attack of the Jersey Teens

The majority of the resources listed on this page concern collections that have finding aids. For additional materials concerning related subjects, please do a targeted advanced search in our library catalog (view instructions). Please check back regularly, as we continue to add collections to this site:

  • General
  • Almanacs
  • Food and drink
  • Music
  • Sports, theater, and entertainment
  • Travel and tourism


For finding aids and additional information contact our reference services. Materials stored off-site must be requested three days in advance. 


Our two almanac collections are gradually being added to the online library catalog. Almanacs that were part of the holdings in 1962 are listed in Milton Drake's Almanacs of the United States (library symbol NjR).

Materials are stored off-site and must be requested three days in advance.

  • Collection #1776, 1663-1948: access through the card catalog in the reading room by title, printer, date, and geographical area.
  • Collection #7510, 1671-1956: access through a finding aid in the reading room

Food and drink

For finding aids and additional information contact our reference services. Materials stored off-site must be requested three days in advance. 

Sports, theater, and entertainment

For finding aids and additional information contact our reference services. Materials stored off-site must be requested three days in advance. 

Rutgers University Sports

Theatrical collections