Now Available: A&AePortal


Online access to A&AePortal is now available to the Rutgers community. 

A red poster that reads: now available. There is a screen grab of the front page of the A&AE Portal. Below it is a black bar that states A&AE Portal. Below states @Rutgers University Libraries

A&AePortal contains over 150 art and architecture ebooks and over 32,000 images of art objects.

This resource contains over 150 art and architecture ebooks and over 32,000 images of art objects. The ebooks are major works in the history of art, architecture, decorative arts, photography, and design. The images are from libraries and museums around the world. Each image is linked to the book chapters in which it appears. Each book includes a list of illustrations, which are linked to detailed information about the illustrated object, such as creator name, style, subject, date, dimensions, materials, and location.

For the Media

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