Data Axle Reference Solutions

Data Axle Reference Solutions

On the Data Axle Reference Solutions platform, Rutgers has access to the U.S. Businesses module, which contains detailed information on more than 59 million U.S. businesses and employers. All directory listings include names, addresses, and telephone numbers. Company listings include a variety of data points, include industry profiles, business profiles, business demographics, internal links to subsidiary and parent companies, senior executives and their titles, company news, business expenditures, business history, nearby businesses, and competitors.

Information is taken from telephone directory (white and yellow pages) listings, postal service Change of Address updates, industry and specialty directories, corporate annual reports, and business publications. Data Axle Reference Solutions phone-verifies every record annually.

Rutgers' subscription includes only the U.S. Businesses module. Rutgers does not have access to any other modules on this platform.

Dates covered

Current information.

InfoUSA Inc.