Sage Research Methods

Sage Research Methods

Sage Research Methods is a platform with information about research methodologies in a variety of disciplines. The whole platform is cross-searchable, and it may also be browsed by topic, discipline, or content type:

  • Books and Reference--Includes newly published titles, methods books (little green books and little blue books), handbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and collated volumes of major works in specific subfields
  • Cases--Peer-reviewed case studies showing how methods are applied in real research projects. Learning objectives and discussion questions are included. Some business cases include teaching notes for instructors only. Rutgers instructors may contact to request access to locked teaching notes.
  • Datasets--Practice datasets indexed by method and data type. Instructional guides are included.
  • Podcasts--Recordings of leading social scientists discussing methodological issues in research. Transcripts are included.
  • Videos--Tutorials, interviews, case studies, and mini-documentaries focused on the research process.

Additional project-planning features include a Methods Map, Project Planner, the Which Stats Test tool, and a Reading Lists tool.
