Materials and Databases at Camden

Find and Use Library Materials

Search across multiple databases simultaneously for most of the materials we have access to, as well as items we don't have locally but are requestable for delivery.  
Visit our comprehensive database list
Explore subject-specific resources for more targeted search results, or to find items not in QuickSearch.
Call number locator
Use this to find print items in the Paul Robeson Library collection.
How and where to find specific types of materials
Find materials by type, format, or location.
Borrow, request, and return library materials
Who can borrow library materials or request scans, when and where to return materials, and related policies. 
Request materials from other libraries (interlibrary loan)
Use interlibrary loan to request items not available at Rutgers. 
Information for Rowan and Camden County College students and faculty
Learn what services are available to Rowan and CCC affiliates.
Special Collections at Robeson Library
Learn more about the unique collections held at Robeson.
Digital Collections at Robeson Library
Explore the digitized collections of Paul Robeson Library .
Four students studying in a collaborative work space. they all have different devices to work with
Photo of a Smith faculty member pulling a book from the shelves in Smith library

Not sure where to start?

We're here to help! You can email or chat with a librarian, or set up a virtual appointment with a subject specialist.

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