Open Access Publishing Opportunities for Rutgers Researchers

Explore a growing list of publishers that have entered into transformative agreements with Rutgers University Libraries (RUL) to support RU research and enable OA publishing opportunities. The following savings on APCs (Article Processing Charges) from certain publishers are available to Rutgers-affiliated researchers. 

Please note: Some agreements only cover OA articles published in "hybrid" journals, which are traditionally published subscription journals in which some articles within an issue are published OA via payment of an APC for those articles. These cases are noted in the details of each publisher agreement.

Remember to include your Rutgers affiliation when using manuscript submission systems! 

View Frequently Asked Questions

PublisherAvailable FundingEligible Journal(s)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)15% institutional discount on APC with additional 4% discount for authors who are AAAS membersScience Advances
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)Full APC paidAll ACM OPEN publications (all journals and conference proceedings published by ACM)
Berghahn Open Anthro (BOA)Full APC paidAll 16 journals in the Berghahn Open Anthro portfolio
Cambridge University Press JournalsFull APC paidAll Cambridge journals (fully OA as well as hybrid). 
Canadian Science PublishingFull APC paid for 7 hybrid titles only Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Canadian Journal of Zoology, Canadian Journal of Chemistry, Botany, Canadian Journal of Animal Science, Canadian Journal of Plant Science
Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryFull APC paidView eligible Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press journals 
Company of BiologistsFull APC paid for hybrid titles only Hybrid journals Development, Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Experimental Biology
ElsevierFull APC paid for hybrid titles only View eligible Elsevier journals
Institute of PhysicsFull APC paidView Institute of Physics journals covered by this agreement, which includes all journals in Lists A, B, C, and D
John BenjaminsFull APC paidAll John Benjamins journals
Microbiology SocietyFull APC paidAll journals in the Microbiology Society portfolio
PLOS Biology and PLOS MedicineFull APC paidPLOS Medicine and PLOS Biology
PNAS$500 APC discount per articlePNAS
Royal Society of ChemistryFull APC paidView eligible Royal Society of Chemistry hybrid and fully open access journals
SCOAP³ (Assorted High Energy Physics) JournalsFull APC paidView eligible SCOAP³ journals
Springer NatureFull APC paid for hybrid titles only Download a listing of Springer Nature journals covered by this agreement. The download link is located in the section of the page labeled "Publishing open access in a hybrid journal." 
WileyFull APC paidAll Wiley open access titles, including hybrid OA, Gold OA, and Hindawi

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View Open Access Publishing Details for more information about these agreements.


What is a Transformative Agreement/Read and Publish Agreement?

A TA/RAP is a contractual agreement between the library (or group of libraries) and a publisher that seeks to shift away from a traditional subscription payment to an Open Access model that prioritizes OA publishing by researchers. This new model distributes the costs for libraries to enable support for both access to research articles (for readers) as well as facilitating the author's ability to publish their article Open Access (without the payment of an APC).

What is an Article Processing Charge (APC)?

APCs are fees levied on researchers that are intended to cover costs for the publishing process in many Open Access (OA) journals.

What if I don’t see my publisher listed here?

If your publisher doesn’t appear in the list above, Rutgers does not have an agreement with that publisher. Authors may want to seek assistance with funding an APC (or BPC) via the following routes: Contact your funder(s) as many support APCs; check with your coauthors whose universities may provide support for APCs (splitting costs is an option); contact your department/research fund; and/or contact your local RU research office. In some rare cases, a waiver or discount may be given by the publisher. Rutgers does not have a central fund to pay APCs.

How can I find an Open Access journal in my field that does not charge APCs?

Most OA journals do not charge any fees. To find an OA journal in your field that will not levy fees, please see the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and use the filter "without fees."

How do I access SOAR (Scholarly Open Access at Rutgers) so that I can deposit my work in the Rutgers institutional repository (and disseminate it worldwide) without charge?

SOAR was developed to implement the Rutgers Open Access Policy. To disseminate your scholarly works online (usually an Accepted Manuscript (AM) version of the article), please deposit your work in SOAR at, which is crawled by Google Scholar and makes your work OA.

What about Open Access Books?

Rutgers does not currently have any agreements with publishers to pay OA charges (BPCs) for OA books.

Is the information presented here current?

Yes, Rutgers University Libraries keeps this page up to date.

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